Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dr. Allan Comp and Jorie Emory Join the Hardrock Revision Project
Allan will be helping with project design, facilitation, publications and fundraising. He will be an active part of the team in Lake City.
Allan's development consultant, Jorie Emory, will also be joining the team. Jorie is very interested in the mix of art and ecology and wrote a masters thesis entitled: Exploring the Role of Artist Residencies on Local Land Stewardship: A Case Study of the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. She received her masters from Ohio State University. Jorie will help with writing grant proposals and will co-facilitate with Grant Pound in Lake City.
Colorado Art Ranch Director to Speak in Carlisle, UK
A Letter from Nomad Darlene Morse
Once again I have realized the importance of the Art Ranch. This happens quite a bit but today it bubbled over and in order to clean up those bubbles, I must write you all.
As you are probably aware, two days ago a "crazed" woman used her crow bar to smash the Plexiglas covering of a lithograph at the Loveland Museum/Gallery. She then tore the "offending" piece.
There has been controversy surrounding this artwork in the past week and I have been following it and even viewed the print. In today's Denver Post, Adam Lerner was quoted. Ever since I met Adam at the Denver "What's So Funny About Art?" Artposium, I have kept up with his Belmar Art Lab and then with his move to the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver. His words concerning the violence against art had a greater meaning for me because of getting to hear him speak two years ago.
From the very first Artposium I learned something that had previously eluded me although I wasn't even aware that it did: there really is thought and introspection behind sculpture and "found objects" art. I remember listening in awe as three or four of the artists in residence told of how they came to create what they had created. Of course, I knew that artists create something that is a part of themselves and want to bring it into a life-sphere. But I had no clue that there was so much of a back story until that weekend in Salida.
And, again in Salida, three years later, Greg Hobbs taught me something. He had shared a poem entitled "Wed" with the whole group. I was very taken with this poem since soon after the Artposium, a friend of mine was getting married at age 40 and for the first time. I asked Greg if I could find that poem in one of his books and he said that it hadn't been published yet. He then surprised me by giving me the piece of paper that he had read from. He wrote my name, his name and the date and that was it. I then retyped it and gave it to my friends who were very moved by his words. A few weeks later, it came out that someone else had taken Greg's words but not exactly in a justified way. I immediately sent Greg a note saying that I did give him "full attribution" and he responded with the simple words, "Poetic courtesy." Again, through Colorado Art Ranch, I am able to have a continuing experience.
Another example of the far-reaching effects of the Art Ranch is Joe Quirk. I bought his book and have lent it to so many people that I have lost count. It has elicited several empowering discussions not only in my book club group but with myriad people of different minds. And, when Dr. Marci Bowers left Trinidad to move to San Francisco, I completely understood her reasoning and wished her success. I would not have had that reaction had I not heard her speak and talked with her a bit.
Last week, I was able to sit at a table for 15 minutes and join in conversation with Salman Rushdie. It was an incredible experience and I also know that it was made that much better by my having met numerous other art/writers/luminaries at Colorado Art Ranch functions. It is one thing to appreciate the work of writers/artists but it is quite another thing to be able to converse with them and then hear what they have to say, not only about their art but their world views. It is the taking of that step beyond the works and finding the values behind them that is so inspiring.
I have found that the Artposia has seeped into all parts of my being, from how I view eating, how I go about writing, how I felt strongly enough about an artist to commission him to do two paintings, to adding new red bottles on my bottle tree. Each time I write a poem I feel as if I am in harmony with the many other poets that have crossed my path these last three years. And, in my kitchen tucked into a corner of a print of The Gates at Central Park, is a photo of Christo, Jean-Claude and me taken in Salida and printed in the Fort Collins Coloradoan. I feel much more involved in the issue of "Over the River" than I otherwise would.
Thanks, Art Ranch, for all you do.
Darlene Mueller Morse
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Importance of Food at an Artposita
By Beth Banning

I was asked to cater the lunch at the Artposita at the Carpenter Ranch on Saturday, September 25. I welcomed the opportunity as I have catered for Artposia before and the crowds are always enthusiastic and appreciative eaters! I felt very strongly that I needed to select ingredients in keeping with the spirit of the Carpenter Ranch, the Colorado Art Ranch, and the artists-in-residence who were experiencing such a strong connection to our Yampa Valley. I sought out local produce from the Ranch and local gardeners in Steamboat and Hayden who had an abundance and hoped to plan a menu around my finds. This proved difficult as we had experienced some below-freezing nights in the past week and most had slim-pickens left. Additionally, deer had pillaged my garden just the weekend before.
My first find was a 10-pound zucchini from Betsy Blakeslee at Carpenter Ranch from which came Chocolate Zucchini Bread. (Always start with chocolate!) Betsy also rounded up and armload of beets, carrots, onions, garlic from Karen Gilroy's garden in Hayden. All but the beets went into a spicy vegetarian chili with the addition of lots of tomatoes, beans and chilis. My artist friend, JoAnn Baker Paul, was visiting a mutual friend and artist, Sue Oehme, one evening before the Artposita and called me saying that I had to come and cut romaine lettuce and spinach that was overflowing from her backyard garden. The lettuce was for the salad that included the beets, as well as beautiful mixed greens from JoAnn's garden. I managed to squeak out scallions and baby beets from my garden which also went into the salad, along with gorgonzola cheese and walnuts. I made a frittata with eggs from JoAnn's backyard hens, Sue's spinach and cherry tomatoes from my lone remaining plant that were dehydrated for intense flavor.
Dessert included Peach Vanilla Bars made with Palisade peaches. Of course, here in the Yampa Valley we can't subsist solely on local foods, so other items were included to round out the meal for these hearty eaters, but getting creative with local foods was a great way to showcase what we can grow here.
Salida 2010 Residency Deadline
December 15, 2010
May 1-30, 2011 Residency
The deadline for applications is quickly approaching. The time frame had to be moved up because of the new way we doing this residency. After a very successful Artposita at Carpenter Ranch in Hayden, we have decided to give our artists-in-residence (AIR) more exposure. For the Salida 2010 Residency we will be selecting visual and literary artists and scientists whose work relates to the May Artposium theme of Dwellings. The Artposium will examine how we live, why we live that way, what makes a home, architecture and anthropology.
Successful candidates will have public speaking experience and work that relates to dwellings in some way. The AIRs will have an opportunity to present or give a workshop at the Artposium May 27-29, 2011. There will be other speakers included to represent different disciplines.
Colorado Art Ranch Welcomes Two New Board Members
Cathi Schwalbe-Bouzide cathi (at)
Cathi is an artist living in Chicago. Cathi was a presenter at the Delta County Artposium in 2009, Dinner Stories, and was an artist-in-residence at the Salida 2010 Residency. In Chicago, Cathi Schwalbe-Bouzide is known as the Corn Lady. It's not hard to see why. Much of her artwork is about corn and explores corn culture. What she does is more than just "agricultural art." Bouzide's work reminds us of the relationship between land and food, between where we live and how we eat. Cathi’s will be responsible for overseeing the residency planning, recruitment and implementation.
Stevan Simich stevan (at)
Stevan studied art as an undergrad before going on to business and finance. He is accomplished at providing strategic, operational, financial, sustainability and entrepreneurial support to growing businesses. He has a background in consulting, finance and venture and private equity working for such companies as Castle Pines Ventures, Rally Software and Republic Financial Corporation. Stevan holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Michigan and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Denver with a specialization in Finance. Stevan enjoys going on adventures with his wife and two sons, backcountry skiing, cycling, hiking/camping, gardening and print & furniture making. Stevan will be overseeing financial operations and helping with strategies to make the organization sustainable.